Kevin Coyne
Romance – Romance
More cheesy keyboards and only a few memorable songs. This is propably Kevin’s most commercial album with a lot of “happy”, poppy and optimistic lyrics. But the strange thing is that some of the tracks were written years before in his dark period and even performed on stage then. Hans Pukke on guitar again and some new band members can’t prevent this low point. This is the only Kevin Coyne record that I dare to listen after a heavy drinking night. Keytracks: Lovers and friends, Best friend.
“Der Brite mit der rauhen Stimme meldet sich aus der Grauzone zwischen Kultstatus und Vergangenheit mit einem Überraschungspaket zurück, das seine alten Freunde nicht verprellt, ihm aber auch Tür und Tor für neue Freunde öffnen müsste. Coyne schiebt die oft bedrückende Düsterkeit mancher seiner früheren Platten beiseite; er klang noch nie so zuversichtlich, er kam noch nie so zuverlässig auf den Punkt. ***** von ******. (Musikexpress)
The Brit with the rough voice is back from the gray area between cult status and the past with a surprise package that won’t alienate his old friends, but should also open the door to new friends. Coyne brushes aside the often oppressive gloom of some of his earlier records; he never sounded so confident, he never got to the point so reliably. ***** of ******. (Musikexpress)